Featured Releases


The Indelicates

Elevator Music

The Indelicates

Your Face

Lily Rae

Corporate Records

As the traditional music industry struggles to adapt to the challenge of the internet, we make it simple for musicians to share, sell and promote their work. Sell single tracks or group them into multiple releases, set minimum prices or use a pay-what-you-like system, embed your tracks in blogs and share static download links on twitter and facebook... Corporate Records is designed to reflect the music market that exists and to make it easy for artists to get all they can from it.

It's free, simple and quick to sign up and, after paypal charges, you'll receive 80% of the revenue you generate. We take no rights, no setup fees and your music is available immediately. Take control, we're here for you to exploit.

Sign to Corporate Records


How-To and DIY

Free Wallpapers for your CR profile

Corporate records is designed to allow you to customize the feel of you pages by uploading your own background image - this can be a really effective way of putting your stamp on the site.
If you...... [more]


The only good social media strategy is not to have one.
If you truly see your online presence as a brand for your social capital then, even if it works, Dante will have to rewrite the inferno to...... [more]

Why I'm Signed To Corporate Records

When I was fourteen years old, I was in a punk band called Bottle Rocket. Angsty, spotty, and with a rudimentary grasp of the electric guitar, we got as far as entertaining small crowds of pre-teens...... [more]


Your Face

Lily Rae

Lily Rae did her difficult second album much quicker than Elastica - it's amazing, obviously, and you should buy it right now.... [more]

London 2012

The Thlyds

Recorded by Lee McFadden. Mastered In House by Corporate Records. GUITARS: Keith TOTP BASS: Charley Stone DRUMS: Mikey Breyer KEYS: Karen Condom VOX&SHREDS: Thornton Halfwit. Recorded at Guided Missile...... [more]
Reissued to celebrate the double dip recession, The Indelicates classic novelty single with a couple of sexy new B-Side Versions. Buy it with the money you don't have.... [more]