CONTRACT | Terms and Conditions for artists

The Corporate Records Artist Contract

  1. "Data" means anything you upload to Corporate Records whether for visual or audio reproduction or otherwise and in any format.

  2. The artists own all their own work. The label owns no rights in your work except the licence you give us under this agreement. In particular, Corporate Records Limited takes none of your rights in regard to later exploitation of your data, that is: you retain the rights to publishing, physical distribution, merchandising, overseas licensing and digital distribution elsewhere.

  3. You certify that you own the right to distribute, copy, sell, profit from, license and otherwise exploit the data you upload. If you are found to have uploaded data you don't own your account will be deleted, your IP address blocked and responsibility for any claims that arise will be passed onto you.

  4. You are also certifying that your data reproduced as visual images or as sound contains nothing which constitutes a criminal offence, nor any incitement to crime, nor any legally actionable defanation (libel or slander). Again, if you breach this requirement, we'll remove your data, ban you from the site and pass responsibility for any claims onto you.

  5. Corporate Records Limited reserves the right to remove any data from the site for any reason at any time.

  6. By uploading data to Corporate Records you are granting Corporate Records Limited a license to make the data available on-line, in any format, both for sale and, according to your settings, for free. This license remains in place until you, or we, remove the data.

  7. If and when your data generates revenue, a small percentage will be paid to Paypal, (or other similar ecommerce business chosen by us for relevant services) for handling the transaction. After this has been deducted, your account will be credited with 80% of the remaining total.

  8. Corporate Records reserves the right to sell and place advertising alongside the on-screen presentation of viewable data and links to it.

  9. Your accounts will be paid on a quarterly basis, once the total amount owing reaches £20.00 at the end of a given quarter.

  10. Your data is, however, your responsibility. You may remove it from Corporate Records at any time - and it is your responsibility to do so if the legal status of the content changes and as soon as you learn of the change.

  11. Corporate Records reserves the right to keep a backup copy of any data you upload so as to maintain the site's effective operation.

  12. Apart from the data, the rights in which remain with you under this agreement, Corporate Records Limited owns, or has licensed to it, everything else that makes up the Corporate Records internet website and its accessibility to internet users including in particular the website design and the facilities it makes available. Corporate Records Limited retains the right to display and make available the images and sound reproduced from your data as it considers appropriate to the overall website design and presentation.

  13. If you upload any data to Corporate Records, you are agreeing to these terms and accepting responsibility for your data and its reproduction at Corporate Records as these terms describe. Don't be evil.

  14. This is your agreement with Corporate Records Limited for the use of the facilities provided by Corporate Records Limited on the Corporate Records internet website.